
Yogic Journey

Like so many others, my yoga journey started in India where I practiced my very first sun salutations in 2009. After moving to Berlin in 2010, I started practicing on a regular basis (mostly Vinyasa yoga); it didn't take long and I was totally hooked as I felt the positive effects of the practice not just on the body, but also on the mind.

After five years of steady practice and numerous retreats, I wanted to delve deeper and embarked on a Yoga Teacher Training in 2015. I started teaching Vinyasa Yoga classes at Vorspielverein SSL. eV./Schöneberg on regular basis almost immediately afterwards. Since 2018 I also teach Yoga for Seniors.


2020 - 3A-Anatomie Workshop with Lilla Wuttich
2020 - Yoga und Faszien Workshop with Lilla Wuttich
2019 - Hands-On-Assists Workshop with Dana Sertel
2019 - Continuing Education Workshop Berlin with Stefan Camilleri
2019 - Dynamic Bodyfulness Series with Diana Thielen
2018 - Yoga for Seniors with Sabine Klein
2015 - Vinyasa Power Yoga Lizenz/IFAA


Check out some of my favorite teachers in Berlin (for whom I sometimes sub classes)



All my classes have drop-in options or are donation-based, so no need to register beforehand. Classes are taught in German (with English translations if needed). Students of all ages, genders and body types are welcome. Generally classes are open to all levels of experience and suitable for beginners unless labeled advanced. Mats and other props are provided in all locations but feel free to bring your own if you want to.

  • Monday

  • Tuesday

  • Wednesday



  • Thursday
    18:30 - 20:00

    Vinyasa Yoga
    suitable for all levels, sign up via picktime

  • Friday

  • Saturday

  • Sunday


5. September 2020

#5 Longing for retreat times

I took my very first yoga retreat in 2014 and was totally enthralled by the beauty that comes from practicing multiple times a day over an extended weekend or even longer. Ever since, I have participated in at least one retreat per year. Many of them took place in rural Brandenburg, organized by friends or […] Read more.

8. Juli 2020

#4 Support Your Local Yoga Studio

I am sharing this visual essay, which was circulated by the Fair Yoga Initiative in a spirit of solidarity. I am not directly affected by the current price dumping through which certain fitness apps seriously harm(ed) the Berlin Yoga scene, but many of my friends and colleagues are. The pandemic has only highlighted the terrible […] Read more.

11. Mai 2020

#3 Yoga Home Practice pt. 1 (Videos)

I am very slowly adapting to the new world of online yoga. In the last couple of weeks I have practiced with videos from different teachers … and recorded a few videos myself that you can find here: I’ll upload more videos soon. Shoot me an email for the password, but note that my […] Read more.

2. Mai 2020

#2 Music

I really miss practicing yoga with all of my lovely regulars + new friendly faces from time to time. Since I have no clue how much longer Corona will keep us apart, I have decided to bring some of things that are part of my yoga experience with you online. Next to moving, breathing and […] Read more.

1. Mai 2020


Even before Corona hit my yogis and friends have frequently asked me about one topic: MATS. But with the closure of studios and the rise of home practice, reasons to own a mat instead of just using studio mats have significantly increased. This post (which is not sponsored in any way!!!) introduces some mats that […] Read more.


If you have questions about my classes/the studio you can email me at